Contact Us

Thank you for visiting! We appreciate your interest in our website and the information we provide. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your feedback and will do our best to respond to your inquiry immediately.


We are open to discussing advertising opportunities and partnerships that align with our values and mission if you have any advertising inquiries.

Note: We do not accept guest posts

For Editorial Review or Removal

We strive to provide our readers with accurate and reliable information about electric vehicles. If you have any concerns about the information published on our website. We take any editorial issues very seriously and will promptly review any concerns you may have. If we determine that any content on our website is inaccurate or misleading, we will take the necessary steps to correct or remove it.

Contact Information

Address: 651 North Broad Street, Suite 206, Middletown ,19709 Delaware.

Phone Number: +1 (306) 992 4143

Email: [email protected]