iD4 Charger Won’t Unplug

iD4 Charger Won’t Unplug: Fixed

You can do a few things when charging your iD4 and the charger gets stuck. Tap Stop on the screen of...
Fred Wolf
3 min read
Does An ID 4 Have A Spare Tire

Does An ID 4 Have A Spare Tire?

No, the Volkswagen iD4 electric car does not come with a spare tire. It does, however, come with a tire repair...
Fred Wolf
3 min read
iD4 Not Fully Charging

iD4 Not Fully Charging: Fixed

When your iD4 does not charge completely, it is usually because you have set your charging limit in the settings to...
Fred Wolf
3 min read
iD4 Won’t Stop Beeping

iD4 Won’t Stop Beeping: Fixed

Your Volkswagen iD4 may continue to beep for several reasons, including a proximity warning, a low battery, an open door, or...
Fred Wolf
4 min read
VW iD4 Won’t Charge

VW iD4 Won’t Charge: Fixed

It’s inconvenient when your electric vehicle won’t charge, especially when you’re ready to go. There are a few potential solutions you...
Fred Wolf
4 min read