A dead or dying battery in the key fob is a common cause of this error. A small battery powers the key fob’s electronics, and if this battery is low or dead, the error message will appear. To resolve this issue, you must replace the key fob’s battery. Usually, this simple process involves taking out the old battery and putting in a new CR2032 battery.
In this article, I will explain what “Toyota Prius key battery low” means, how to know if your Prius key battery is low, reasons why the key battery is low, how to tell when your key battery is bad, how to replace your Prius key battery, and what type of battery you should replace your Prius key battery with.
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- 1 What does “Key battery low” on the Prius mean?
- 2 How do you know your Prius Key battery is low?
- 3 Troubleshooting and Fixing Tips Low Prius Key Fob Battery
- 4 How to replace Prius Key Battery
- 5 What battery type should you replace your Prius key battery with?
- 6 What Happens if Your Prius Key Battery Dies?
- 7 How Long Does a Prius Key Fob Battery Last?
- 8 In Conclusion
What does “Key battery low” on the Prius mean?
“Prius Key Battery Low” is a warning message that displays on the dashboard of your Prius. It tells you that there is a problem with the key fob battery and that it needs to be replaced.
This can happen when the battery has reached its end or has somehow been damaged. If you are getting this message on your dash, there is probably something wrong with your car’s battery.
Your Prius key battery is a small lithium-ion battery that supplies the power needed for your car’s electrical system. It stores the energy the alternator makes and gives it out when the ignition is turned on. When your Prius key battery is low, you won’t be able to start your car or turn on some of its functions.
How do you know your Prius Key battery is low?
The Prius key battery is the main power supply for your car. It is responsible for starting and running the car when you turn on the ignition. If the “key” indicator light comes on and you can’t start your vehicle using the “key,” it may be a sign that your Prius key battery is low or running out of power.
If your Prius’ key battery is low, you cannot start the car or lock or unlock it. This can happen for several reasons:
- The battery may be completely dead and no longer holds a charge.
- The battery may be at the end of its life cycle, but it still has enough to turn over your vehicle’s electrical systems.
- The car has an immobilizer system that prevents unauthorized vehicle use without pressing a button on the dashboard or knob at the steering wheel (depending on the model). If this system is not working correctly, you won’t be able to start your Prius unless you know the correct sequence of buttons or knobs to press to unlock the doors and start the car.
If your Prius key battery is low, it can beep when you turn the ignition on. It will also not start the car after being in the off position for a long time. You can tell if your key battery is bad by following these steps:
- Check your dashboard light to see if it has come on. If it has, then your key battery needs to be replaced.
- Start your car and let it run until you hear the fuel pump running. Then turn off the engine and wait 15 seconds before turning it back on again. If the fuel pump still runs after 15 seconds, then there is something wrong with your battery, and you should have it replaced as soon as possible.
- Wait one minute after turning off the engine before trying again to start your car because this helps drain any remaining power from the battery so that when you turn on the starter again, it doesn’t need to recharge itself at full speed first like before.
Troubleshooting and Fixing Tips Low Prius Key Fob Battery
The first thing to do is make sure the car is running, especially if you are away from home and have no way of contacting a mechanic. The next step is to check the battery terminals and cables for corrosion or damage. If they are damaged, you must take them out and clean them before re-installing them. Use a wire brush, sandpaper, or a toothbrush with warm water.
If you don’t have access to a garage or workbench, it’s best to leave the job until after the first sign of trouble starts occurring. This means that if your car doesn’t start even though no lights are on the dashboard and all doors are closed, it could be due to low battery voltage rather than a dead battery.
How to replace Prius Key Battery
The key battery on your Prius is essential to the car’s system. It controls the doors, the engine, and other functions. When replacing the battery, it is important to use a CR2032 battery. Installing a new CR2032 battery in the key fob is a simple process.
1. Begin by removing the old battery from the fob.

2. Insert the new battery into the fob, positive side up.

3. Finally, snap the fob back together.

Once the new battery is installed, the key fob should work as expected. The LED light will illuminate when the button is pressed, and the fob should communicate with the car without issue.
What battery type should you replace your Prius key battery with?
CR2032 batteries are the most common type of batteries for Prius keys. They are 3 volts and have a capacity of 220 mAh. When replacing the battery in your Prius key, you will likely be looking for a CR2032. These batteries, the most common in Prius keys, are 3 volts with a capacity of 220 mAh. If you can’t find a CR2032, a CR2025 battery will also work, as it is also 3 volts but has a slightly lesser capacity at 150 mAh.
Most Prius key batteries are of the CR2032 type. You can find these batteries at most drugstores, electronics stores, and supermarkets.
CR2032 batteries are made with lithium chemistry, which is known for its high energy density and long shelf life. These batteries can power various devices, including calculators, car remotes, and key fobs.
Knowing when your Prius Key Battery is low, bad, or needs replacement using a CR2032 battery should be easy with the proper knowledge and tools.
Keyless entry helps keep your Prius secure and safe. If you are going to replace the system, you must enter it completely. Be careful when removing the battery or trying to replace it, as you may accidentally short-circuit the device, which would lead to expensive repairs.
So, whether you hire someone or tackle this feat on your own, saving money and being more eco-friendly is a one-two punch that would make even the most ardent Toyota Prius fan ecstatic.
What Happens if Your Prius Key Battery Dies?
If the battery in your Prius key dies, the key fob’s electronics will no longer be able to function. This means you won’t be able to unlock or start your vehicle with the key fob. Sometimes, it may also cause an error message on the vehicle’s dashboard, such as “Prius Key Battery Low.”
If your Prius key battery dies, you must replace it before you can use the key fob again. This is usually a straightforward procedure that entails removing the old battery and replacing it with a new one. The key fob should work properly again after the new battery is installed.
If you cannot replace the battery in your Prius key, or if the key fob continues to malfunction after replacing the battery, the key fob may need to be repaired or replaced. In this case, it is best to consult the owner’s manual or seek professional assistance to resolve the problem properly.
How Long Does a Prius Key Fob Battery Last?
The lifespan of a Prius key fob battery is determined by several factors, including the type of battery used, frequency of use, and ambient temperature. On the other hand, a Prius key fob battery should last for several years before needing to be replaced. The lifespan of a Prius key fob battery is determined by how frequently you use it to unlock and start your vehicle.
If you use the key fob frequently, the battery may need to be replaced more frequently than if you don’t. Furthermore, exposing the battery to extreme hot or cold temperatures may reduce its lifespan. It is critical to take good care of your Prius key fob battery to extend its lifespan.
When not in use, store the key fob in a protective case, avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, and replace the battery as soon as it begins to weaken. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your Prius key fob battery lasts as long as possible.
In Conclusion
Finally, the “PRIUS KEY BATTERY LOW” error can also be caused by a problem with the vehicle’s electrical system. If the electrical system is not functioning properly, it can interfere with the key fob’s ability to communicate with the vehicle, which can cause the error message to appear. In this case, the electrical system will need to be repaired or replaced to fix the problem.
To fix the “PRIUS KEY BATTERY LOW” error, you will need to determine the underlying cause of the problem and take appropriate action. If you are unsure how to diagnose and fix the problem, it is best to consult the owner’s manual or seek the help of a professional.